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What should i use to get relief from itchy skin? Is the Itchiness due to the dry weather in Canada?

+16 votes

Sometimes my skin gets really itchy for no apparent reason. At first I thought I was getting food allergy or other allergy. So I went to a skin specialist and he did the skin pricking test where my forearm skin was pricked with fifty kinds of allergens which could possibly cause allergy. The doctor was surprised to find that I was not allergic to any allergens. He couldn't figure out what was causing the allergy skin eruption. He actually gave up on treating me on this unknown itchy skin condition.

Since no one in the medical world could figure out what was causing my skin to get itchy, I would at least want something to calm the itchiness. The doctor prescribed me Cetirizine (Reactine) tablets to take daily. In spite of me taking the tablet orally, I still get the itchy skin and it turns bright red all over and spreads throughout my body. So I tried the Calamine Lotion but the liquid lotion made me feel so sleepy and weak all day. My skin is very sensitive to ointments and lotions. The lotion didn't help much either, it only helped for a few hours and the rash itchy feeling was back.

Allergy Itchy Skin

asked in Victoria by Jake Lee (202 points)

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4 Answers

0 votes
Sometimes a person may get itchy skin conditions for unknown reason. There is just no way of finding our the culprit which is causing the itchiness. Our science haven't reached that stage to understand and cure allergy. Since most allergy are not life threatening except for few serious cases, Doctors usually prescribe Reactine to be taken orally once or twice a day. People taking this medication should use precaution not to operate vehicle or do any task that requires extreme concentration because this prescription drugs will make you feel very sleepy. It is advisable to only take the prescription drugs before going to bed so that by the next morning when you get up, your drowsiness will be gone and you will be refreshed to start your day properly. Try applying oatmeal cream to soothe your skin swelling caused by itchy skin conditions. Oatmeal cream really helps to calm down the intensity of itchiness and they do not harm your skin when used in the long term.
answered by Andrew Randall (196 points)
0 votes

For me what works best is the "Vaseline Intensive care with fragrance free". You can purchase them from most beauty stores like Shoppers Drugmart, Walmart, Supermarket and many other places. It has to be the one which says "Fragrance Free" or "Unscented" because the ones with fragrances smelling can cause skin Allergy when applied to your skin. Strange as it might seem, there are people who are sensitive to sweet smelling fragrance products. I have tried this Vaseline Intensive care lotion and not only had it reduced my Itchy skin, it also cured my eczema hands. I had Eczema dried skin forming all over my fingers tips and i had tried other Doctor prescribed medication at first. Those doctor prescribed topical medication didn't help at all and i had to do a bit of research for finding the right product by buying various brands of lotions and products. Finally i was glad, i found this Vaseline Intensive Care Lotion and ever since i had been using it every single day. Hardly a day go by without me using this Vaseline Intensive Care Lotion. With winter as severe as Canada is, i can never go by one day without using this amazing cream product which is available everywhere. Wait for "Sale" time at Shoppers Drugmart occasionally, when you can buy them for only $4.99 each and i kinda buy 3 or 4 bottles of the lotion at a shot.

Vaseline Intensive Care Lotion

answered by Rebecca Barker (114 points)
0 votes

I have been using the same Vaseline Intensive body lotion and they are wonderful. Now my hands are always moisturized with no cracks or dry rough skin. My grandma used to complain saying her feet are always dry and paining due to the cracks on her feet. She had been using other brands body lotion and clearly they didn't seem to be working. So i introduced to her this Vaseline intensive body and ever since her feet looks like she is in her fifties. 


You can buy them online at Walmart.ca.

answered by Derek
0 votes
Watch video on "See the many benefits that Vaseline does to your skin, when you apply Vaseline everyday. It truly is amazing and it works every time":

(Video credit: YouTube)
answered by Jessie

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