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How to pay for my Canadiantire Triangle World Elite MasterCard bills online? How do I know the amount of Canadiantire E-Money rewards I have collected so far?

+1 vote
I have seen advertisement by Canadiantire promoting their Triangle MasterCard brand and I never gave it a thought that I wanted to apply for it. Even when I was shopping at the canadiantire store, some of the employees were trying to convince me to apply for their Canadiantire Triangle MasterCard. I already had a credit card from Walmart and I was earning rewards there and I didn't really wanted to get more credit cards.

But one of my friend showed me the benefits of using the Canadiantire Triangle MasterCard and it opened my eyes as to how it will benefit me in the long run. So I decided to apply for the best Canadiantire Triangle World Elite MasterCard that they have. The credit card required me to have an annual income of at least $80,000 in order to qualify which I did and I had a good credit score. These two things were enough to qualify me for the Canadiantire Triangle World Elite MasterCard. I applied online using their website and surprisingly I got a reply on the next day saying I have been approved and the credit card will be sent to me in the mail very soon.

Within 3 days I received the Canadiantire Triangle World Elite MasterCard and I loved the Rewards the card was offering. No annual fees, 4% cashback in Canadiantire E-Money for purchases at Canadiantire store, 3% cashback in Canadiantire E-Money for grocery Purchases, 5 cents per litre in Canadiantire E-Money for gas purchases, and free Roadside Assistance Gold Plan. Nothing beats the Rewards they were offering. Some people will say that the Rewards are going to be in Canadiantire E-Money only, which I am fine with it. I love shopping at Canadiantire store and I buy things there quite often. So for me it is a win win situation.

Now I realized that after using the Canadiantire Triangle World Elite MasterCard for almost a month, how could I pay my credit card bills online? Do I receive a paper statement in my mail? But I like to receive my bills as an E-Statement online.
asked in Meadow Lake by Brandon

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3 Answers

+1 vote

As soon as you receive your Canadiantire Triangle World Elite MasterCard, you need to activate it either online using the link they provided triangle.com/activate or by calling the toll free number listed in your paper.

1. If you are activating your credit card online, follow the link triangle.com/activate and choose any one of the following that applies to you. "I know my pin", "I don't know my pin", "Sign in to activate". If this is your brand new card and you never had a pin before, choose "I don't know my pin". Then follow the steps that comes up on your phone screen.

2. Once you successfully activated your Canadiantire Triangle World Elite MasterCard, you need to create an online account for yourself so you can do things like checking your credit card balance, checking your Canadiantire E-Money rewards balance, your credit card limit remaining, and all the transactions you did on your credit card. To enroll in online account, choose here ENROLL NOW.

3. You will need your Canadiantire Triangle World Elite MasterCard ready on your hand to type in the card details to enroll in online account. Always remember your username and password. Your email is also important when you need to recover forgotten password. So choose the right email that you can remember.

4. To login to your just created online account, click here SIGN IN. Once you get your notification in your email that your E-Statement is ready for viewing, you will login into your ONLINE ACCOUNT.

5. Once you are logged in, you can see your Canadiantire E-Money balance, transactions details, credit limit balance and many more things that you can explore yourself. Click on "E-Statements" and here you can see all the bills that has been issued and ready for viewing. Click on the bills dates you want to view.

6. To pay the balance shown on the E-Statement you just received, you can use your own online banking account such as TD Bank, CIBC, RBC, BMO. Simply add payee as "Canadiantire MasterCard" on your bank online access account "Manage Payee", "Pay Bills" section. Enter your MasterCard number for "Account Number" and then enter the amount you want to pay. Choose "Pay now".

7. The money that you just paid from your online bank such as TD BANK, RBC, CIBC, BMO, HSBC will not reflect on your Canadiantire Online account immediately after paying your Canadiantire MasterCard bills. It will take a couple of days before the payment transaction will show in your Canadiantire Online account. So don't panic and call the customer service because they will tell you the same thing to wait as well.

So it is not as difficult as you thought it would be if you follow the correct instructions. You just need to do a bit of exploring here and there and you will get the hang of it once you do it one time or more.

answered by MasterCard Tutorial Guide
0 votes

How i collected $500 in Canadiantire e-money in one year and you can do it too using these simple legally allowed trick that everyone should know.

When i first started collecting Canadian Tire E-money from using my triangle MasterCard, i wasn't progressing very fast. Although i was collecting Canadian Tire E-Money, i wasn't maximizing the full potential of the rewards program that canadiantire has to offer. 

It wasn't until i tried a different approach that i started to earn Canadian Tire E-Money really fast and it was totally legal and in fact encouraged by Canadiantire Sales team. 

Here are the few steps i took that earned me my 1st $500 in one year:

1. I upgraded my Triangle card from the simple "Grey Triangle MasterCard" to "Triangle World Elite MasterCard". Remember you need to have an annual income of at least $75,000 to qualify for this Triangle World Elite MasterCard.

2. Since the Triangle World Elite MasterCard has no annual fees, right away i saved money there, from not having to pay annual fees, unlike other credit cards which requires annual fees.

3. I collect 4% in Canadian Tire E-Money on all of my purchases at Canadian Tire retail stores, although you can also collect Canadian Tire E-Money at Mark’s, L’Équipeur, Party City, Sport Chek, Atmosphere, Pro Hockey Life, Hockey Experts, Sports Rousseau, L'Entrepôt du Hockey and participating Sports Experts stores.

I exclusively purchase my stuff from Canadian Tire Only, instead of other home improvement stores such as Home Depot, Walmart, Lowes or Rona, unless of course there are certain things that are not available at Canadian Tire Stores.

4. When it is time to fill gas in my car, i always fill my car at Canadian Tire Gas Plus locations. By Using my Triangle World Elite MasterCard for pumping gas in my car, instantly i get back 5 cents per litre, plus another 7 cents per litre in Canadian Tire E-Money. That is a total of 12 cents Per litre cash back in Canadian Tire E-Money.

5. For buying grocery with this Triangle World Elite MasterCard, i get 3% cash back in Canadian Tire E-Money. This applies to any grocery stores you shop in except "Walmart" and "Costco", wherein if you use your Triangle World Elite MasterCard at "Walmart" or "Costco", you will only get back 1% Canadian Tire E-Money.

6. I also use my Triangle World Elite MasterCard on every other stores i shop at, including paying my phone bills, Cable bills, Car insurance, Property Insurance, life insurance, and Spotify Subscription. These transactions however gives me only 1% cash back in Canadian Tire E-Money.

7. I downloaded the "Triangle" app from the google "Play Store" and i have been making good use of my "Personalised offer" every week. 

You will need to register yourself first in order to use this "Triangle" app and they will give you "Personalized offer" just for you every week, with coupons you can activate inside the "Triangle" app. You must link your Triangle World Elite MasterCard to this "Triangle" app during registration so that later on, when you activate a coupon and make the purchase, your Canadian Tire E-Money rewards is credited to your account properly.

If you like an offer coupon given to you, you simply tap on "Activate" and then you go make the required purchases using your Triangle World Elite MasterCard. After your purchase, you will see the "Bonus" Canadian Tire e-money rewards as well as your regular 4% Canadian Tire e-money rewards in your receipt.

I made use of another underrated "Swap Offer" feauture that helped me earned more Canadian Tire E-Money faster. At first i didn't quite understood the concept of "Swap Offer" feauture, but later it became very clear to me, how useful this feature is to earn Canadian Tire E-Money fast.

How this feature works is quite simple. If there are some "Personalized coupons" that you don't like, you can swap them with other coupons which others don't like or want. Example of offers are "Spend $60 purchases on almost everything at Canadiatire Stores and get $6 back in Canadian Tire E-Money", "Get 20x times the rewards on household bulbs, florescent tubes and flood lights".

You can browse through the "Swap Offer" section for coupons from other people. If you like a particular coupon, Tap on "Swap", it will then ask you which of your "Personalized" coupons you want to give up for. Choose the "Personalized" Coupon you want to give up and swap. Just like that you can get 3 swap per week starting usually on Friday and ending on next Thursday. 

Don't forget to "Activate" the coupons you want to use before swiping your Triangle World Elite MasterCard. When in a hurry just tap on "Activate All Offers" to activate each and every "Personalized offer" you have for the week. 

You can also "Stack up" as many coupons as you possibly can and earn rewards on each coupon together. Let me give you an example of what "Stacking coupons" means. 

Lets say you wanted to buy a "Tube light" at Canadian Tire Stores. You activate your personalized coupon "Get 20x rewards on household light bulbs, tube lights". Then under the "Swap Offers" section you find others coupon "Get 20x rewards on Noma tube lights", so you get this offer by giving up one of your own personalized offer. Activate this offer.

Again under "Swap offer", you find another "Get 20x reward on household lights and tube lights" and you get it by giving up one of your personalized coupon. Activate this offer too.

Again under "Swap offer", you find "Spend $30 on purchases before tax and get $3 back in Canadian Tire E-Money". So you get this coupon by giving up one of your own personlized coupon. Activate this offer too.

If you add all the coupons you can activate, it will be 4 coupons in total that you can now activate under your own "Personalized Offer" section. Now, finally you buy some tube lights worth at least $30 before tax using your Triangle World Elite MasterCard, and all 4 coupons will be rewarded with corresponding offer they represent. You can verify this by looking at the "Bonus E-Money" in your receipt. Remember this is on top of your regular 4% reward in Canadian Tire E-Money. 

So just for buying 1 or more tube lights of $30 or more pre-tax, you are rewarded 5 times (1 personalized coupon, 3 swapped offer coupons, and 4% regular cash back in Canadiantire E-Money).

answered by Macdonald
0 votes
Another way of earning a big rewards of Canadian Tire E-Money, all in one single day, is to wait for the seasonal "Canadian Tire Big Red Event". During this one or two day sale period, a lot of products goes on sale for huge discounts and at the same time offer such as "Spend $400 pre-tax and earn $60 in Canadian Tire E-Money" are not to be missed out.

I held off purchasing some items i really wanted to buy until the "Canadian Tire Big Red Event" day arrived. On that day, i did spend $450 pre-tax purchasing items for myself and also for my relatives, and i was rewarded with $60 Bonus in Canadiantire E-Money. This was on top of my regular 4% back ($20) in Canadian Tire E-Money. I also activated some coupons such as "Spend $60 and get $8 back in Canadian Tire E-Money", "20x points on certain items" which added another ($10) rewards in Canadian Tire E-Money for me.

In total, after adding up all the Canadian Tire E-Money i got for that day, it came up to ($90) in Canadian Tire E-Money, just for spending $450 pre-tax at Canadian Tire Stores, in a single day and in a single transaction.
answered by Bryant

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