Immunization in general is not mandatory in Canada except for the province of Ontario and New Brunswick, where you will be required to provide proof of immunization record for your child, for the purpose of attending school. There are some exception in Ontario and New Brunswick though in regard to compulsory vaccination.
Except for the case where your child is unable to receive vaccination due to medical reason such as severe allergic reaction to vaccination, then the exception applies. In such case, when there is an event of disease outbreaks in the school, your unvaccinated child may be informed to stay home until the disease outbreak is passed and over. This is done to protect your child since he or she may not have been able to survive the outbreak, due to him or her been on an unvaccinated status.
Parent are strongly advised to allow vaccination for their child since there are many benefits for doing so. There have been many cases of parent refusing vaccination for their children which resulted in serious and in some cases death to their child, when an outbreak happens.
Immune is absolutely safe and there are no medical study evidence indicating otherwise. Being up to date with your children's vaccination helps protect their lives and to prevent them from contracting thoSe diseases from which there are no known cure. Only prevention can save lives.
In the news, you can gather evidence and proof of people who did not have their children vaccinated and then later they regret their decision of refusing vaccination for their children. But it was already too late for them to regret when the harm is already done and their child is no more with them anymore.