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Which cell phone service provider in Canada has the strongest signal but at an affordable monthly plans?

+3 votes
I have been using Mobilicity monthly for my cell phone, they have cheap plans but their service isn't that great. There are some areas where I have received no signals at all and at times I would have no service displayed on my cell phone without any reason. Mobilicity has Data plans too but their data network is slow. I wanna look for another cell phone service provider with reasonable monthly phone plans and their coverage should be covering the Guelph area.
asked in Guelph by Abdul Tamir (207 points)

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3 Answers

+1 vote
Right now at the moment, Rogers has the best phone signal network in Canada but their phone plans can be pricey, if you are on a budget. I suggest that you choose Chatr or Fido because these two companies had been bought out by rogers and they both seem to have cheaper phone plans than rogers. Chatr would definitely be the best choice for you if you are going to be using your own phone. Chatr has cheap phone plans.

Fido will be good for you if you need to purchase a new phone along with a new phone plan. Fido also allows you collect "Fido Dollars" which you can use to redeem for new phones when you enter into two or three years contract with them. Fido has phone plans much more expensive than Chatr.
answered by Chan Yin (168 points)
ChatR was never "bought out" by Rogers. Rogers started it as a fighter brand to compete with Mobilicity but not that they own Mobilicity there's not much difference between the two companies besides the plan rates, customer service and zones.
+1 vote
Rogers, ChatЯ and Fido are all the same network as Mobilicity now. Mobilicity was purchased by Rogers last year and as of January this year all the customers are now on the SAME network as Rogers, Fido, ChatЯ , Speakout... The difference is that Mobilicity still uses "zones" even though they no longer need too. If you're in the zone service SHOULD be really good and if you're outside a zone you pay roaming fees. If you are not happy with Mobilicity and you live in a "zone" then I would not suggest switching to rogers or any of their other subsidiary companies unless you got a better plan which I do not believe they have.
answered by Phil
I had a pretty bad experience with Mobilicity, wherein I went without phone signal or services for two days straight. When I called customer service they told me to go to one of their physical store and have my phone checked out. I did that exactly and it turned out that some settings I have to change on my phone and then it was back to working. First I thought their phone tower system was down but no service for two days? That's not acceptable.
0 votes
Watch video on "Cell phone bill secrets and how you can shop for the best cell phone plan in Canada" :

answered by Best cell phone plan

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