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How do I apply for a new credit card for the first time, I am a newcomer to Canada and I do not have any work history or credit history?

+2 votes
I am a newcomer to Canada and there are still a lot of things that I need to learn and do. One of the things I was told, is to get myself a credit card and start building a good credit score. As I learned from others that a lot of things will depend on a good credit score in my future. I am eager to get myself a good credit card perhaps with some kind of rewards points.

I haven't started working yet since I couldn't find a job. Will the banks give me a new credit card even though I don't have a job currently. I mean I haven't open a bank account yet, but I will open a bank account very soon.

From what I know, other developing countries don't run much on credit cards for the people. Most things are bought and sold using paper cash, and people aren't taxed correctly there, because there tend to be a lot of undetected and unreported cash transaction, amongst the people.
asked in Swift Current by Surej

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1 Answer

0 votes
Back in the days, banks would only give out credit cards when you open a new banking account with them, and you keep a certain amount of minimum money in your bank account. Other companies like the Canadiantire MasterCard, Walmart MasterCard, PC credit card, capital one credit card, it was even harder to apply for those if you were a newcomer to Canada.

But nowadays, things have changed so much for the better. It is so easy to get a credit card. The banks have offers for credit cards for newcomers and the other companies also offer easy application for new credit cards. This was all due to the fact that there were so much competition amongst the companies issuers of credit cards, and the profits, benefits are high for the companies.

Each time a customer uses their credit card, the issuers of the credit card gets a commission from the retailers where the customer made the purchase or transaction. Literally the companies were earning easy and fast money. That is why you would see so many companies coming up with their own brand credit card such as Fido credit card, CAA credit card, Rogers credit card, RBC credit card, TD credit card, BMO credit card, CIBC credit card, Scotiabank credit card and many more countless ones.

You just need to approach any of the banks or companies and let them know your financial situation and newcomer status. One piece of advice is that you should never apply for them online, because they ask you so many questions related to your financial status and work job status. When you are a newcomer, you won't really be able to answer them because you don't have a job and you don't have any credit scores.

Better yet, you should apply for credit card in person. Lets say, you want a Walmart credit card, you can go to any Walmart store and ask to apply in person. Or if you prefer Canadiantire MasterCard, you can visit one of the canadiantire store. Sometimes there are sales associate who only specializes in helping people apply for their credit card in the retail stores. So you need to look out for such sales associate and they will be able to fill in the application for you, and you are almost guaranteed to qualify for it.
answered by Ronald

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