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How do i redeem my fido dollars points for a new phone from Fido Canada?

+15 votes

Besides Redeeming for smart phones from Fido, what other things could I redeem my Fido dollars for? Does the new Fido plans stopped giving out Fido dollars anymore? I heard that Fido stopped giving out Fido dollars on the new plan unless you are still using the same old plan and renewing with them every two years for the same old plan.

Fido Canada

asked in Lloydminster by Josh Sinclair (204 points)

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2 Answers

+1 vote

When you have collected enough Fido points, you can redeem your Fido dollars for a new phone. How you do that is by calling up the Fido Customer service and telling them which phone you want to get. These days you would usually need to get into a two years contract to redeem your Fido dollars and get a new phone. You can also purchase some phones without contract and redeem your Fido dollars at the same time.

If you don't want to get a new phone with your Fido dollars, you can redeem Fido dollars for free text messages or extra talk time monthly or extra calling features such as call waiting, call transfer, voicemail.

answered by Isaac Steele (168 points)
0 votes
Fido does not give out any Fido dollars each month anymore and their phone plans are getting more and more expensive lately. It seems like they are trying to push people to shell out more money for better service and better features, but honestly people prefer to pay less even if the service signal is crappy and choppy. People just don't want to have to pay more money each month for extra features for their phone plan. In the past, i myself had redeemed Fido dollars for brand new phone and i felt good to save on the phones. Now that those bonus feature is gone, i have switched to Chatr Wireless although its signal is bad around a lot of places.
answered by Donald Williams (146 points)

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