I know a lot of people are telling me to simply go to the mobile phone company kiosk and ask if their carrier will support my phone but I would like to instead be able to simply type in my phone type and check if my phone will be supported by a certain phone company. It is quite tedious if I am shopping for a new mobile phone company and I had to go to each kiosk or retail store to ask if my phone will work in their network. There must be an easier way perhaps to check in website and see if my phone will be compatible.
Unfortunately, most of the phone company doesn't have that option in their website to check if a certain phone will be compatible with their network. One of my friend recently visited China and purchased a 4g LTE Xiaomi Mi 4 model only to be disappointed that his phone wasn't connecting to the speed of 4g or even 3g, only 2g was working on his Fido network. Using 2g is so out of date and nothing can be done using that 2g Network like browsing or using apps.