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How do i replace an old peeled off and worn out license plate in Ontario? Can i order a personalized license plate instead of the regular letters and numbers license plate?

0 votes

I have an old van which i purchased 19 years ago and still running good like an old horse. Now, the problem i am having with this van is not the engine or any of its mechanical parts, but with the metal license plate. I have the old license plate which has white background and blue letters and numbers on it. 

My Van license plate (Blue Letters and numbers) has faded to the point where it is almost as white as the background. I just read in the news that people could be fined $110 for having such faded license plate if the police catches you. It is because the police needs to scan car license plates using a vehicle scanner while on the go, to look for potential suspects, outstanding warrants people, traffic violation offenders.

It becomes difficult and almost impossible for the police to scan a faded license plate, unless they get very close to that vehicle license plate, which could potentially cause an accident by the police, rear ending the civilian car's rear bumper. 

Does anyone know if there are any fees to replace an old worn out faded vehicle license plate? Where should i go to do a replacement for my van license plate in Ontario?

Since i would be replacing my old faded license plate, i thought that i might as well get a new personalized license plate like a cool name without the numbers. (Loveya, Gotcha, Gmorning...etc)

How much will it cost to get such personalized license plate and how can i go about applying for a new personalized license plate too?

Also I like to know what will happen to my old Van license plate? Should I be throwing it out into the garbage, after I get my new personalized license plate number?
asked in Sudbury by Ernest

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2 Answers

0 votes
If your car license plate is worn out and peeling off, you can have it replaced for a fee of $59. The replacement is not free as some people would have thought so.

You need to visit a "Service Ontario Centre" nearby your house and bring with yourself some documentation:

1. Driver's license.

2. Valid vehicle insurance such as Aviva insurance, Allstate Insurance, RBC car insurance, TD car insurance, or whichever is your insurance provider names.

3. Bring the "Green color" original vehicle permit. All the pages of this permit should be intact and in decent condition.

4. Bring the actual damaged physical two license plates (Front and Back metal license plate).

5. Just in case you only have a photocopy of your paper vehicle permit or you lost your vehicle permit, you can obtain a "New" vehicle permit paper which contains the same information as your older vehicle permit paper. Note that there will be another fees for this service.

answered by Aisha
0 votes

Here are the quickest way you can buy a personalized car license plate in Ontario:-

1. If you are comfortable, you can buy your "Personalized car license plate online in Ontario" and you need to have your driver's license information ready along with your "Registrant Identification Number - R.I.N"

If you don't have your "Registrant Identification Number - R.I.N", then you will need to visit your nearest ServiceOntario centre to order a personalized license plate or convert your existing license plate to a personalized license plate.

2. There are 2 types of personalized license plate - a combination of letter and numbers only without graphic ($310) or other graphic license plate option ($336.40). The one with graphic is a bit more costly because it comes with a choice of a graphic and a slogan.

3. If you chose to have the "Graphic" personalized license plate, it is recommended that you go online at "Graphic Personalized car license plate in Ontario" and check out the choice of available graphics and slogan before you visit a ServiceOntario centre.

This is because you don't want to hold up the people in line behind you, when you are unsure of what graphics or designs you want for your personalized plates.

4. You need to have paid off any outstanding fines and tickets such as speeding, improper lane changes, careless driving, etc, before you can buy a personalized license plate.

5. Please note that there are certain rules as to what names or numbers you can choose for your personalized license plate. Words that are sexual, offensive, abusive, drugs, alcohol, violence, criminal, and discrimination in nature are not permitted and will not be approved.

6. Your personalized license plate will be delivered in 4 weeks time by physical mail and you do not need to go collect them from a ServiceOntario.

answered by Jeremiah

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