Esso extra program for earning Esso points will be coming to an end on 17th January 2022. Untill then, you can still continue to earn esso points and redeem esso points as usual. Esso points will have to converted to PC Optimum points on 18th January 2022, either by a visit to esso gas station in person or by online instructions.
You will be given a chance to covert all your esso points to PC Optimum points between18th January 2022 to 30th April 2022. After which, if you failed to convert your esso points, you could lose them all. Also you won't be able to use your esso extra card anymore after 18th January 2022. Instead you can start using your PC Optimum card to earn and redeem points for car wash, lottery, drinks, and more at any esso gas station.
If you didn't know, PC Optimum points can be earned and redeemed at other places such as Shoppers Drug Mart, Loblaws supermarket, Real Canadian Superstore, No Frills. So this is actually a pretty good thing that they are rolling out because it will allow us to earn PC Optimum points at more places and then we can choose to redeem PC Optimum points at any of the participating retail locations mentioned above.Â