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Which Roku channels will show Free Hindi Indian Channels or Live TV in Canada?

+5 votes
I have recently bought a new Roku Streaming Stick for the purpose to streaming Hindi Indian Channels for my parents to watch. I can't afford to pay monthly fees to keep those Hindi channels from Rogers or Bell. I believe that it is hidden in amongst the thousands of Roku channels. It will be a waste of time trying each and every Roku channel to find out if those channels have Free Hindi Indian Channels. I tried installing YUPPTV in Roku but it seemed that a monthly subscription is required to watch Hindi Indian channels such as Sony, Star movies, B4U Movies, Channel V, MTV and other channels. I do not need all the premium indian channels but just being able to watch latest movies, watch current news, and listen to some latest Indian music videos would be great. Any help would be appreciated.
asked in Mississauga / Peel Region by Riham Assaf (200 points)

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1 Answer

0 votes
Roku doesn't have a lot of Hindi Indian Channels to watch. It was mainly designed for streaming English content though later international contents were added too. At this moment there are only a few handful ones that actually works and has good contents, though at times those apps do hang and become unresponsive while watching TV.

A small list of the names of the Roku channels for Hindi Indian Contents are:

1. Desicinema: This channel has quite recent Bollywood movies and older ones too. Although not all of the movies are in High Definition quality but at least their Audio quality isn't that bad. Video quality could be quite choppy at times and difficult to stream. There are no subtitles with this channels for the movies. Sometimes you can't resume and continue watching from where you have left off, although there is an option to resume from previous point you left off, it doesn't always work properly. The video quality isn't like those illegally captured movie quality from the running theaters, it seems to be some kind of DVD rip of the contents.

2. Jadoo TV: This TV channels has Hindi TV channel as well but they are a few handful of Hindi content They have "Enjoy now", "India Today" "Mtunes".
answered by Andrew Randall (196 points)

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