When searching for a immigration lawyer, one must be careful as not to waste time on the wrong immigration lawyer. It is always best to go for the ones, who had a good portfolio of previous clients, who were satisfied with his or her work. You could ask around with your relatives and friends and let them refer to you the ones, they had actually used in the past with good results. The wrong ones will not only take your money from you but will cause problem for you because they aren't good with their work. They could make mistakes with your application and in the worst case, your application could be returned for correction which will lose you time. The more your application is delayed, the more there is a chance of the immigration laws changing and becoming tougher and stricter. Even then there is a good chance of landing with a bad immigration lawyer.
Let me tell you a story of a good friend of mine who was applying to come to Canada with his family. He advanced and paid the full amount even before the application was made and submitted. The immigration lawyer was a distant relative of his and he was fresh out of college starting out with his career. Since the immigration lawyer's father was persistence in telling my friend to utilize his son as immigration lawyer, my friend ultimately gave in to his suggestion. My friend trusted this fresh immigration lawyer that he paid the full fees in advance hoping that will make him work harder for his case.
One year gone by and still there was no news at all from the Canadian immigration. So my friend contacted this immigration lawyer and most times he always had an excuse. Somehow my friend did a bit of poking around and found out that this immigration lawyer did not even started the application process yet or had submitted incomplete information. My friend was furious and asked this immigration lawyer to return all the money given to him one year ago for his fees. Luckily this guy agreed to do so only because my friend and their family were relatives though distantly related. My friend got all the money back and then used another immigration lawyer. This time around, the second immigration lawyer was able to help my friend get permanent residence for his whole family within one year.