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Which car insurance company offers good and reasonable insurance in New Brunswick, Canada?

+1 vote
I was wondering whether to go for car insurance with smaller insurance company or with the big banks ones. As much as I can recall the big ones are RBC insurance, Td Insurance, State Farm but I don't know if I will be saving more, if I go for the smaller less known auto insurance company. I am worried about if in case of an accident, the smaller insurance broker won't be available to help out but I believe the bigger insurance company has 24 hrs services.
asked in Saint John by Henry Cooley (148 points)

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1 Answer

0 votes
It is better to go for the bigger insurance company as they offer 24 hrs services and better protection. The smaller car insurance company will not have 24 hrs services and it can be hard to reach them after hours. So in case of a car accident and you need to report your claims, you won't be able to do so in time. You might have to wait until the next day morning to report any claims. There is a time frame of about 48 hrs to report any collision report and insurance claim, after which it would be quite difficult to do so. Also another reminder is to report any car damages to your insurance and not to deal with the other party directly. The reason being that a lot of people would give false phone number and false details with promises to pay you cash. Then they would disappear and not pick up your call. Meanwhile, your 48 hrs collision report time period would have passed by and you would be in a very difficult position to report your collision.
answered by Jacob Lush (140 points)

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