It is very true that consuming lots of sugar is bad for your hair and it eventually leads to hair loss. If you will notice, right after you ate sugary stuff, within a few hours you will notice that your head scalp is shiny and oily. Those oily substances that forms on your head scalp after eating sugar is what contributes to your hair loss. The oily substances clogs your hair follicles pores and prevents the pores from breathing normally. Unless you remove those oily substances by using PH 5.5 shampoo, the oily substance stays on your hair follicles pores and causes eventual hair fall. Besides, when you have lots of sugar content in your body and your body is unable to remove or use up the extra sugars in your blood, the sugars causes a decrease of supply of oxygen and nutrients to your hair follicles. Your hair follicles needs constant supply of fresh oxygen and nutrients in order to grow strong thick hair.