Living a healthy lifestyle when it comes to good food, is hard in Canada because there are so many fast food and restaurants serving good and delicious food, that i can't help but eat out often. I do admit that i am not a good cook at all and unfortunately i do not have anyone in my rented space that does know good cooking. At the most, i know how to cook rice with rice cooker, boil eggs or fry eggs, make sandwiches and that is about all. I have heard that some people actually died due to eating out often and that started to scare me even more now.
When i used to stay at my parents place, my Mum used to do the cooking and i was used to eating home food. But after i moved out with some room mates, i had to resort to eating out at restaurants or fast food. Fast food are cheaper and they don't cost me an arm or leg but even then, a lot of my income goes to eating out. I had thought about cooking food for myself but i can be lazy after a hard day's work at my job. I do not want to die of diseases or other problems due to eating outside food often.