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Where can i buy unlocked smart phones online from brands such as Samsung, HTC, Motorola and other brands in Canada?

+7 votes
Getting into a contract with cell phone companies for buying a smart phone is very inflexible and frustrating, when I wanted to switch cell phone company in the middle of a contract. In most cases, people including me does sign up for expensive phone plans with features which we hardly use just for the sake of getting a new phone. I believe that we could buy phones unlocked online or other places too but I just don't know and don't have the patience to look where to buy it.
asked in Iqaluit by Tom Hodo (165 points)

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3 Answers

0 votes
I understand that it is frustrating for people to have to enter into a phone plan contract with a phone carrier company. The plans are usually expensive when you want to buy a phone with the plans. A lot of people wants the flexibility to change phone company without having to pay penalty for breaking contracts. However, some phones such as Samsung, Lg, Sony Xperia, Motorola, and blackberry requires you to enter into a contract with the phone companies in order to buy their products.

At Unlocked Android Phones, you can buy  most of the phones unlocked without any contracts with phone companies but they all come with some risk. Sometimes, the accessories provided are not original ones. The phones may not work properly in your local area or country and it is quite a hassle to return it to the seller for a refund.

I suggest buying Iphones instead because they are original products and it is fully unlocked phones. http://www.apple.com/ca/

HTC sells unlocked phones online in their website. http://www.htc.com/ca

Google Sells unlocked Nexus Brand of smartphones on their website. https://store.google.com/category/phones

The popular Xiaomi smart phones at http://www.gearbest.com/cell-phones-c_11293/

For buying used phones in mint conditions for heavily discounted prices, visit eBay.ca

Amazon.ca has brand new as well as used unlocked phones for cheap prices too. It is worth checking them out since they have reviews about the products you are interested in, which will help you decide whether to buy from them or not. Simply search for the unlocked phones you like at Amazon.ca
answered by Chloe Liang (173 points)
0 votes
Some new places are offering unlocked phones for sale with true original manufacturer warranty and brand new sealed units. Places like Bestbuy.ca, Walmart.ca, Staples.ca, Aliexpress.com, newegg.ca, Rogers.com, Fido.ca and practically all other phone carrier now sells unlocked phones. You just have to navigate to the unlocked phones section of their website and you can buy from them. Even Samsung.com sells unlocked phones through their own website, unlike in the past when cell phone brands would only sell through the phone carrier in Canada. Websites like Bestbuy.ca have started to do something similar to what eBay.ca and Amazon.ca had been doing for many years in the past. They have created a marketplace where people can sell their own cell phone products right at bestbuy.ca ’s website. Only those who have good business standing are allowed to put up phones for sale though. Small individuals are usually screened and doesn’t make it through to putting up their products for sale.
answered by Jimmy Jackson (107 points)
0 votes
Watch video on "The real Benefits of Unlocked Phones" :

answered by UnlockedPower

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