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How to point a domain name purchased through Godaddy.com to the web hosting servers for Hostupon.com?

+8 votes

When i first registered for a web hosting service with Hostupon.com, i was given a free domain for life offer. I was quite happy with their hosting service except for the lack of the backup options for my website. They used to have the backup options included in the basic package but they took it away and made it available only through premium package which is bad. Now i have to figure it out to backup my website manually. Even their domain registration price has increased since i subscribed to their web hosting services. I was looking for a new domain to add to my collection of websites and i found the price of domain names at Hostupon.com more expensive than Godaddy.com . So i registered a new domain with Godaddy.com and now i want to point this domain to my web hosting services file structures located with my Hostupon.com account. This is so that whenever someone type that domain name, it will show the website content as if the domain was bought at my Hostupon.com account.


asked in Saint John by Amal Singh (170 points)

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2 Answers

0 votes

So you have purchased a domain name from Godaddy.com and you have a hosting plan with Hostupon.com . Your desired result is that when someone types in your domain name, it would point them to your hosting files located in the hostupon hosting servers. This situation is common and people may have their hosting files with one company and their domain purchased from another company for whatever reason they have. Follow the steps below to successfully point your domain name to your hosting files located in another hosting company.

(1) Login into your Godaddy.com account and you will find your purchased domain displayed.

(2) Located just beside your domain name will be a button called "DNS". Click on it.

(3) You will see a section called "Nameservers". Click on "Change Nameservers".

(4) For Nameserver type choose "Custom".

(5) Under the two field space below "Nameservers", type in the hostupon nameserver which will look like this example:- "###.hostupon.com" and "###.hostupon.com". For exact nameservers of hostupon.com, you can either check out the emails sent out by hostupon to you at the time of registration of your hosting plans, or you can contact them and ask them for the nameservers.

(6) Click on "Save". Log out of Godaddy.com.

(7) Then you login into your hostupon cpanel account.

(8) Click on "Add on Domain" under the "Domains" Section. Enter your new domain name and click on "Add Domain". Leave the "Subdomain" and "Document root" as default, do no change it.

(9) You are done now. Test for your new website domain name by typing it into any internet browser such as Google Chrome, Mozilla firefox, Internet explorer.

answered by Randy Goodman (128 points)
0 votes
Watch video on "How to link your Godaddy domain name with your hosting account such as Blue host or Hostupon":

answered by Linking Domain Name

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