One of my friend used to tell me that every time he goes to a tropical islands or tropical country for vacationing, he gets bitten a lot by the mosquitoes. The mosquitoes just simply love biting him whereas his wife was spared although she was travelling along with him all throughout their vacation. He started getting all sorts of marks and scratches on his thigh, calve area and ankles. Sometimes blood could be seen oozing out. So he went to see a local physician down at the tropical places and the doctor told him that the reason, why he was bitten a lot more by the mosquitoes compared to his wife was he was of the blood group O+ positive type. His wife had blood group A+ positive type and so the mosquitoes wouldn't normally seek out people with that blood group type. It is a lot cheaper to visit the local physician at the tropical places and very unlike in Canada where if you aren't covered by the public Health care system, it would be very expensive.