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How to receive and manage bills, pay stubs, and statements using Epost.ca online services offered by Canada Post?

+9 votes
I am used to taking the traditional way of receiving bills in the mail, my work pay stub I pick up every two weeks from my workplace, and bank or credit card statements I receive them in the physical mail. One day, when I was collecting my work pay stub from my workplace, the clerk told me that I could collect my pay stub online through Epost.ca. So, this way I won't have to physically come and collect my pay stub from my workplace. I wouldn't have to worry about file storage problem for my pay stub as well, and that I could download my pay stub into my computer hard drives for keeping records of my pay stub. As I work for the same company for many years, my work pay stub file could really pile up and make it difficult to find space to store them all in my room. Keeping a soft copy of my work pay stub could actually reduce the amount of paper filing that I would need to do.

I also wanted to receive my Enbridge gas bills or Hydro bills online through Epost.ca. Someone told me that my credit card bills could also be added to my Epost.ca account. By receiving bills online at one place I am consolidating various bills together so that I won't be missing any monthly bills payment. Also I won't need to have to login to each bill account or credit card account to make payment to each bills. Can I add Epost services to my Banking institution online services instead of registering myself at Epost.ca? I want to go through my bank because it will allow me to pay my bills directly after receiving them.
asked in St. John's by Gina Turner (144 points)

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3 Answers

0 votes

Epost.ca is managed by Canada Post and it provides an easy way for people to receive and pay their bills online. You can also use epost.ca to receive your employee pay stub in an online format issued by your employer. There are two ways you can access epost.ca : 

1. One is by registering and accessing through the website epost.ca

2. By registering through our own Bank account and then accessing it by login in to your bank account.

Method one: 

1. Login into your epost.ca account -> Then click on "Use Epost".

2. Click on "Add New Document". Type in your mailer name (Example: Toronto Hydro electricity Ltd).

3. Follow the instructions that follows to enter your account details (Example: your account number for Toronto Hydro Electricity Bill)

4. Once completed, you will be informed that you will no longer receive a paper mail from the mailers you just signed up with. Instead, you will receive an email from Epost Canada when a new bill is available for you to view. 

Method Two:

1. Login into your online bank account such as TD Bank, RBC Bank, CIBC Bank, BMO bank, Scotia Bank.

2. Look for an option which says "View Epost Bills" for TD Bank. If you do not find this option, you will have to register your epost account with your Bank Account. 

3. Click on "My Mailers" tab, click on "Add a Mailer".

4. Follow the instructions that shows and once done, you can start receiving your bills or work pay stub online.

5. Keep in mind that you must first already have an account with Epost.ca Canada before you can use this services through your online Banking.

answered by Chloe Liang (173 points)
0 votes
Watch video on "How you can consolidate your online bills in one place, fast and easy way, with epost.ca in Canada" :

answered by Epost Canada
0 votes
Watch video on "How to sign up and use Epost through your online bank account" :

answered by Online Epost Bank

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