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How to change my ChatR mobile phone plan online without going to a ChatR wireless retail store?

+9 votes
Instead of going to a ChatR wireless retail store for changing my pre paid chatR phone plan, I would like to know if I can do the same online. Some people would suggest why I don't go to the ChatR retail store and do it the easy way, but for me, the trip to go to the nearest place where the ChatR wireless phone store is located, could be very far away, since I live in a country side area away from the cities. Besides, I am a person who embraces technology and I have been spoilt by the easy availability of modern technology. However, if I can't change my ChatR mobile phone plan online, I would still drive far to get to the place where ChatR store is located and get it done there. It is not that I am lazy, but when desperation overtakes me, I would go to any extend to get things done, no matter what. If I can get things done the easy way, I usually fall for the easy method rather than the tough method.
asked in St. John's by Sophia White (135 points)

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4 Answers

0 votes

The first time you signed up with Chatr wireless, they would have given you a temporary password for you to login into your Chatr account online. If you haven't received any temporary password or you have lost the password, you can simply call Chatr customer service at 1-800-485-9745, or call *611, Identify yourself and explain to them that you will need a password reset. Once you have a temporary password, you can then login into your "My Chatr" account online and change it to a new password for your own security.

To login to your Chatr Wireless online account, simply enter your phone number and your password. Once you are logged in, you will notice under the section "Account Status", there is your "Plan" type and the amount of monthly payment, you will pay each month. Just beside it, you will see an option to "Change Plan". Click on it, and you will see a list of all the available monthly phone plans. Click on the monthly phone plans you are interested in and then choose "Continue". Follow the instructions thereafter and you will have successfully changed your phone plan online.

answered by Ben Morris (145 points)
0 votes
Watch video on "Changing your Chatr phone plan using online Chatr website and other account details on your own":

answered by Changing Chatr Phone Plan
0 votes
can i get puk here online for my sim
answered by edward law
0 votes
It might be possible to get a PUK "Personal Unlock Key" online from your chatr account. Look under your "My Account" menu or "Profile" menu. It could be hidden somewhere in some of those menus. 

If you can't find your PUK online, then either you can find it on your original sim card package printed somewhere on the back of thin plastic card, or last resort you will need to call Chatr customer service at 1-800-485-9745 or dial *611 (Only from your cell phone). 
answered by Celeste

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