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How do I shop online and buy things online at Walmart.ca website? How safe is it to order items online with my credit card?

+12 votes
I like to shop for a lot of different items at a Walmart retail store but sometimes I feel Walmart store can get really crowded with so many people shopping as well. At times, I couldn't find the item I want in stock and I can't seem to find a store associate who have the time to help me look for things. The store associate are either too busy with other customers or they are busy restocking the shelves. They couldn't be bothered to help answer my questions.

One of my friends suggested that I should try doing my shopping online at Walmart.ca website. Being a newbie with online shopping, I would like to know the risk of shopping online and what precautions I need to take while shopping online. Even though people say that it is very unlikely for scammers to target a customer when shopping at big box store website but you never know. Precaution is better than cure. Does Walmart charges extra money for shipping an item out to my place? I find that Walmart has a lot more choices online for any item compared to having the same item in store.
asked in Summerside by Ida Scott (118 points)

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2 Answers

+1 vote

Shopping online at Walmart.ca is very easy and convenient when you want to beat the crowd at the stores and still be able to get good deals delivered right to your door. In fact you will find more choices and in stock items online compared to at stores. Online items tends to have more variety and choices, and some of the items available online, might be sold online only exclusively. I was looking at some sound system speakers at the Walmart stores but could only find a few brands and models displayed in the store. But when i went online to take a look, to my surprise i could see so many more brands and models on its website. 

Ordering any items online can be quite scary and uncertain at first but after your first order online and item delivered to your door successfully, you will start to want to order online more after that. 

1. Create an account at Walmart.ca website. All you need to sign up is to enter just your email, your first and last name, and your password.

2.  Sign in to your newly created account using your email address and your password.

3. Start shopping by clicking on departments menu or type in something you are looking for in the top search bar. When you find an item you want to buy, simply click on "Add to Cart". You can continue shopping and adding items to your online cart until you are ready to pay for your items.

4. Then you click on the shopping cart icon on the top right hand corner for checkout. You will be asked to provide your credit card details which is completely secure and encrypted. You can even choose to have your credit card information stored online for future purchases, so you don't have to keep entering your credit card info for future purchases.

5. Remember to type in your shipping address correctly and if items cost more than $50 i believe, the shipping is free delivered to your door.

6. You can check on the status of your order whenever you want by signing in to your account and checking it on the order updates section. I realized that the updates sometimes may not be as accurate as i want it to be, meaning it is not as updated live as i like it to be. It takes time for the updates to show in my account.

7. When an item is delivered to your address, be cautious that the delivery guys usually simply leave the package at the door without ringing the bell or calling the recipient about the arrival of the items. This is in my opinion very bad practice because i am always worried what happens if someone gets hold of the item and took it away. How do i prove to Walmart that i didn't receive my item at all. There is no signature required to receive the item because the items is simply left at the door. Once i ordered a baby crib (Big Item) and i was at home all this time, but the delivery guy didn't even ring my bell or give a hint to me about the arrival of my item. He just left the item beside my garage door and the package was soaking wet from the heavy rain. I complained to Walmart customer service but i was told, that nothing could be done about this. The reason they gave was that Walmart contracts out the delivery to another smaller company and those company have their own policies to follow. Walmart does not have their own delivery team. I say they need to start creating their own delivery team if they want to compete online with other online stores like Amazon. Those smaller delivery company does't necessary listen to Walmart requirements when delivering the items or rather i should say, those delivery guys do not care about the customers. Their job is to move the items from point A to point B and that's it. This is the reason why if it is an expensive item such as electronics or something that could get wet or stolen easily, i like to buy them at the Walmart retail store. I do not want to have to fight with the Customer Representative later on about why i didn't receive my items, if it ever gets lost after the delivery guy presumably delivered it. Walmart should learn a thing or two about delivery from the Amazon guys.

answered by Sharon Warden (124 points)
0 votes
Watch video on "Learn the money saving tips and hacks to shop at Walmart and you could save a lot if you shop at Walmart often":

answered by Walmart Shopping

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