I am looking to buy a video game console for my kids to play video games but I like to know which game console is better - Xbox or PlayStation. They are both around the same price with slight difference. I like the one which has better graphic and performs faster. I read that some game consoles would play DVD disc and we could watch movies on it. That would be a cool thing as we adults could also watch movies on the game consoles when the kids aren't playing games on it. These days the game console had improved so much compared to the times when we were kids and what type of game console we used to play.
During our times, most of the games were 2D and there was nothing like 3D as we have today. We had to use the flat long cassette type to insert into the console and play games which were mostly black and white. Once the color games got released, we were so excited about it. Then came the CDs and now I heard a lot of the games could be streamed or downloaded.