A lot of the fast food in Canada is unhealthy and what it does is bring more toxins into our body. When we keep consuming these fast foods, our organs slowly after many years will stop performing at its optimal efficiency and eventually the organs such as kidney, liver, stomach will fail to function properly. That's why a lot of people end up with cancer because of the stress and food that we Canadians eat. If we choose what to eat and what not to eat, a lot of the present day health problems will not be hard to deal with. No amount of medicine can cure or prevent health problems due to eating unhealthy foods.
By detoxing your body, all the toxins and waste in your body will be removed. Sometimes, these toxins and waste had been in your digestive system and are unable to come out due to various reason. The only way to take it out is through detox method. In Canada, we hardly sweat much during the winter months, and even in summer the sweating days are short. Sweating is good for excreting out the toxins through our skins. These toxins are stored in our bodies when we don't sweat much and getting accumulated. Over time it could get accumulated to dangerous level.
One of the detox method is to use natural detox which includes a change of your diet for one week to two week strictly to clear out the toxins and waste in your body. Natural detox consist of eating only fruits and vegetables with very little meat products. Fried and oily foods are totally out of your diet. Yogurt is introduced in your diet and plenty of water should be taken to flush out the toxins and waste in your body.
Another method is to drink detox herbal tea. You can buy them in your local supermarket or online through eBay or amazon. Herbal detox tea is good to drink once or twice a day for a week or two week. All this while you need to avoid oily and fried food too.