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How to pay Virgin Plus mobile phone bill online? Is it possible to add a Pre-authorized payment for my Virgin Plus Mobile phone bill monthly?

0 votes
I love to shop around for the cheapest yet reasonable mobile phone plan carrier in Canada, and so i had been faithful to a few handful of mobile phone carrier like Fido, Chatr and most recently with Lucky mobile. 

I have had no problem using lucky mobile phone connection but i find the 3G data connection too slow for some of phone activity. I wanted a fast data connection to occasionally monitor my home CCTV Camera, whenever i get a alert notification from my CCTV Camera. Sadly Lucky Mobile data connection couldn't deliver on its data speed and i used to spend my time just looking at my CCTV camera App keep loading in a loop, without showing any video. 

Luckily, one day i received a text msg from lucky mobile offering a great mobile phone plan for the same price, if i switched over to Virgin Plus (Previously known as Virgin Mobile). I understand that they both run on the same "Bell" network. The only difference is that Virgin Plus was giving 4G Fast LTE data connection which was what i needed to monitor my Home CCTV Camera. 

Without thinking much, i took up the Virgin Plus phone plan by signing up at a Kiosk inside a nearby mall and i was happy with 2GB monthly fast LTE 4G data connection for the same price as i used to pay Lucky Mobile. 

Then i realized that in a hurry i had forgotten to ask the sales representative, how would i be receiving my monthly bills, and what are the ways i could use to pay my mobile phone bills. I also wanted to add a pre-authorized payment option, charged to a credit card of my choice, so i wouldn't miss any of my mobile phone bills. I find that it is so much easier to manage my monthly bills, if i made them pre-authorized payment. 
asked in Quebec City by Lloyd

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1 Answer

0 votes
The fastest way to login into your virgin plus account and pay for your virgin plus mobile phone plan bill, without the need to register an account with virgin plus, is by following the few steps listed below:

1. If you are using an iphone, open your "App Store". If you are using Android operating system, open your "Play Store".

2. Search for "Virgin Plus My Account" and download the app into your phone.

3. Turn "Off" your "WiFi" by tapping on your "WiFI" icon, when you swipe down from the top of your phone drop down list.

4. Turn "On" your "Mobile Data" by tapping on your "Mobile Data" icon, when you swipe down from the top of your phone drop down list.

5. Now open your "Virgin Plus My Account" app that you just downloaded earlier. You will be automatically logged into your Virgin Plus account without the need to register an account.

6. Tap on the "Bills" icon at the bottom right of your screen. Here you will see "Previous bill", "Current bill". Also by tapping on "Bill Date" you can look through bills dated as far back 18 Months.

If you need to have a copy of the current bill, tap on "Download PDF". 

To make a payment for current bill, simply tap on "Pay this bill" and follow the instructions as displayed.

7. To make a "Pre-authorized payment" monthly, look under the "Billing Options" and Tap on "Add Pre-authorized payment". 

Here you can add your credit card information, from which the outstanding balance amount will be charged onto each month.

You can also add your "Bank Account" details, if you wish to have the outstanding balance amount deducted from your bank account instead. 
answered by Natasha

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