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Which is the best laser printer to buy in Canada? I only need to print in black and white copies.

+12 votes
With so many companies selling printers these days, it could be pretty hard to choose the best printer. I used to use inkjet printers but i wanted to try using laser printers as i heard that they print many more pages than the inkjet printers. It is true that the laser printer ink cartridge could be much more expensive than the inkjet cartridge, but i believe that it last way longer.
asked in Bathurst by Chloe Liang (173 points)

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2 Answers

0 votes
It is very true that laser printers are better than inkjet printers, although they are more expensive in the short term but they prove to be much cheaper in the long run. The reason is that laser printer's cartridges prints many more pages than any inkjet printers. The inkjet printer's cartridges if not used for a long time, they could get clogged or dry up, and then when it is time for you to use it, you would be surprised to find that your ink has dried up and nothing gets printed on your paper.

Whereas with a laser printer cartridge the problem of ink drying up is not there, because laser printer cartridges does not dry up, since it uses dry powder and heat to print the ink onto the paper. That's why at times, you could feel the printed paper seemed kinda hot to the touch. Laser printer quality is quite similar to the quality printed by inkjet printers. If you don't print colors often, it is recommended to buy the monochrome laser printer which only prints black and white. Monochrome printers are much cheaper to buy compared to color laser printers.

You can buy them at https://www.amazon.ca/Canon-ImageCLASS-MF236n-Laser-Printer/dp/B01K1KUQHK/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?keywords=canon+laser+printer+wireless+mf217&qid=1577146926&sr=8-1
answered by Charles Young (177 points)
0 votes
Watch video on "Some of the best laser printer you can find and their features":

answered by Andrew

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