Eczema takes a long time to heal and using corticosteroid is not good for your body. It causes those symptoms as you mentioned such as hair loss, lack of sleep and hyperactiveness. You will need to take a look at the type of hand cream that you use everyday. You must use the one which says "Unscented" or "Without Fragrance" because scented creams with fragrance makes your skin itchy and causes dryness, resulting in Eczema on your fingers. Vaseline manufactures unscented hand cream which is perfect for treating your Eczema problems. Extreme dryness with no application of hand cream causes these Eczema problems, so always remember to moisturize your hand even during the summers times. The sun and the heat during summer can cause dryness on your hands too.
The other thing that you must do is to take vitamin C pills supplement which you can get anywhere at retails stores like Walmart, Shoppers Drugmart, Food Basic Pharmacy or just about any pharmacy near your locality. Remember to take your Vitamin C everyday because it will help your body to fight against Eczema and dryness on your fingers. You may not see the results right away as soon as you start taking them, but be patient and keep taking them until you find your condition improved. This is how i cured my Eczema problems on my fingers and body parts.