Some people including me have food allergy to certain type of foods. I am allergic to seafood such as Crab, Shrimp, Squid, Jelly Fish but am fine with Fillet Fish or Basra Fish. Eggs, Egg plants, Milk and Nuts are just some of the other foods I am allergic to. Isn't it strange that some people can eat everything they want and still not get any allergic reaction while some of us have to exclude a lot of food in our diets.
I have heard stories wherein some kids ate chocolates containing peanuts given by the classmates and the poor kid could hardly breathe after that. The kid had to taken away by the ambulance and given injection shots to calm the allergic reaction. I wish science would advance quick enough to find a solution to cure allergy once and for all, so we can eat in peace and not have to worry about reacting to certain foods.