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How do I start using Uber car ride service to get to my destination in Canada?

+14 votes
I usually get around the city using the regular city cab or Beck taxi and I do take the public transit too. I find that the regular taxi cab can be quite an expensive form of transportation for my regular use. Everyday transportation to my destination adds up quickly and by the end of the month, I would have racked up quite a big monthly expense. Taking public transport to places is cheaper but it is convenient for me only during the summer because I hate having to wait for buses at the bus shelter in the winter months. Anybody who have waited for buses during the cold winter months would know what I mean.

With me being a money conscious person, I do not want to spend expenses in owning my own car and paying for the car loan. Also the monthly car insurance is not cheap in Canada. I can't drive for long hours because I tend to fall asleep if I do. In future I do have plans to eventually own a car, after I pass my driving exams. The idea of going for a driver's exams gives me butterfly in my stomach. So I rather wait till I feel strong enough to take the driving test.
asked in Gander by Gina Turner (144 points)

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2 Answers

0 votes
If you haven't already download the Uber App on your smart phone, you can download them on "Play Store" for Android and "App Store" for IOS.

1. Open the Uber app on your smart phone.

2. Look for the "Where To" space and tap on it.

3. Type in your destination address, the Uber app will automatically detect your current location.

4. The Uber app will then start finding a ride for you.

5. You can choose from the option to either ride with a pool sharing with other people which will be slightly cheaper or you can go with UberX and you don't have to share your ride with anyone else, but it will be slightly expensive.

6. Tap on "Confirm UberX" or "Confirm Pool".

7. Once Uber app finds a uber driver for you, you can choose to call the driver to let him or her know your exact location, although they can usually find your address.

8. Details about the driver's plate number, driver's name and the cost of riding Uber will all be shown for you to see.

9. Once the Uber driver arrives, you can get in to the car to proceed to your destination.

10. After you have arrived at your destination, you can check your Uber app to see how much the ride cost had come up to. Usually the driver will accept cash as the preferred form of payment.

11. You will later get an email from Uber informing you details of your ride that you have had during the day and how much you must have paid. Sometimes Uber does send you promotional offers in the email that gives you certain credit amount like $5 or more, that you can use towards your ride.
answered by Rose Burns (183 points)
0 votes
Watch video on "A quick tutorial to use Uber Car to get to your destination using a phone Uber App":

answered by Using Uber Phone App

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