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What are the income tax features and benefits I could get by signing up for "My Account" at Canada Revenue Agency website?

+16 votes
Every year I file my income taxes and receive my statement of income in paper mail. I usually keep a file containing all the years of income tax statement that I filed. At times, however I would misplace some of the years income tax statement and I would want to reprint them out for filing. Will I be able to print my past income tax statement using the "My Account" features from Canada Revenue Website? What other things could I do by accessing "My Account" in Canada Revenue Agency website?
asked in Cape Breton by George Bain (153 points)

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3 Answers

+1 vote

Like many other people in Canada, initially i was very reluctant to use the benefits and features of "My Account" at Canada Revenue Agency Website. But after i started to get used to using it, i never turned back to not using it. It has so many features and things that could be done up to the minute and i don't have to resort to using the slow mailing method of updating any changes in my personal information or accessing my past income tax assessed return. 

A short brief short review list of features:

1. View detailed status of tax return

2. Manage online mail

3. Request a remittance voucher

4. View detailed notice of assessment or reassessment

5. View RRSP deduction limit and TFSA contribution room

6. View Home Buyers’ Plan and Lifelong Learning Plan

7. Pay by pre-authorized debit (create new agreement)

8. Arrange my direct deposit (start, update, stop)

9. View carryover amounts

10. View tax information slips: T4, T4A, T4A(P), T4A(OAS), T4E, T4RSP, T4RIF, T5007, T3, T5, T5008, RRSP Contribution Receipt, T1204, T5013, RC210, RC62, Rent Assist and tax-free savings account (TFSA)

11. View Proof of income statement (option ‘C’ print)

12. View disability tax credit

13. View account balance and statement of account

14. Change my return

15. Address and telephone numbers (view, update)

16. Apply for child benefits

17. Benefits and credits overview

18. View Canada Child Benefit and related provincial and territorial programs payments, account balance, and statement of account

19. View GST/HST credit and related provincial programs payments, account balance, and statement of account

20. View Universal Child Care Benefit payments, account balance, and statement of account

21. View and update children in my care

22. View Working Income Tax Benefit advance payments

23. Submit documents

24. View authorized representative

25. Authorize my representative

26. Register my formal dispute

27. View instalments

answered by Kevin Davis (154 points)
0 votes

In order to register for "My Account" at Canada Revenue Agency website, there is a two step process.

Step 1:

1. Register here at "My Account".

2. Provide your social insurance number.

3. Enter your date of birth.

4. Enter your current postal code.

5. Enter the amount you entered from your past income tax return. The line amount requested would vary depending on CRA. So it is better to have your previous year income tax return on hand. You must have filed your income tax for at least two years prior in order to successfully register for the "My Account".

6. You would then create your CRA user ID and Password.

7. Create your security questions and answers.

After you completed step 1, you could login into your account but the access would be limited to only a certain few information details. In order to fully access all the benefits and features that "My Account" has to provide, you will need to wait for Canada Revenue Agency to send you a security code in your physical mail. It usually takes about 5 business days or faster depending on your location.

Step 2:

After you have received your security code in the mail, it is time to login to Canada Revenue Agency "My Account".

Enter the security code you just received and you will find that access to the full features and benefits is accessible now.

answered by Betty Atkinson (146 points)
0 votes
Watch video on "How you can sign up for (My Account) at Canada Revenue Agency Website and check out all the benefits it provides":

answered by Income Tax Online

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