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When it comes to buying a Piano Keyboard, which is better - Casio or Yamaha brand?

+4 votes

Casio has keyboards on sale quite often whereas Yamaha does not have much sale going on. Could it be because Casio does not make good quality piano keyboard and that's why they are on sale quite often? I found that the sound coming out of a Casio piano keyboard sound much different from the sound from a Yamaha piano keyboard. I am quite a beginner at learning piano myself and I like to know which one brand to choose to start learning piano. Is it necessary to buy those full long keyboards or buying just the medium size keyboards would be good enough?


asked in Moose Jaw by Scott Smith (237 points)

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1 Answer

0 votes
You don't need to buy those full long piano keyboards. Those are meant for professional piano players. Buy the medium size piano keyboards and they are not that expensive around $200 to $400. If you want to compare Casio and Yamaha, then you need to know that Yamaha beats Casio in a lot of ways. The sound coming out of a Yamaha piano keyboard is much better than the Casio ones. Casio may have a lot more features and extras function but you don't require them if you are just starting to learn to play piano keyboards. Yamaha has quite a good amount of features too and these features are enough for starters like you. When you get to a certain level of expertise then you can buy a better brand instead of Yamaha. There are other brands which are better in sound quality but Yamaha will do good for beginners.
answered by Lei Chung (180 points)

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