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How do i pay my Enbridge gas bill online through my bank website?

+11 votes

I usually show up physically at the bank and line up at the counter to pay my Enbridge gas bills, but sometimes i do not have the time or energy to do that. I had always been a bit hesitant to embrace the online ways of paying bills as i initially believed that the payment might not go through properly and i would still be charged the amount money. Besides i am not very techie when it comes to doing things online. But one day, my friend encouraged me to sign up for online billing and payment to Enbridge gas company. After much encouragement from my friend, i agreed and i have to learn it the hard way.

Enbridge Gas Bill Payment

asked in City of Toronto by Kate Hussain (198 points)

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2 Answers

+1 vote

First of all, if you have the most recent paper bill, you can use that information to register your account online. If you have never registered your account in enbridge before, you can follow the link below to register your enbridge gas account:

Register for Enbridge gas billing online

Once you are registered, you can use the email address and password that you just setup to access your account. Then look for "view bills" and click on "View". Once there, you will find your account number and the amount of money you are owing to Enbridge gas company.

Then you open up your online banking website account such as TD Bank, RBC, BMO, CIBC or any other bank where you have setup your online banking. 

1. Look for "Pay bills".

2. Click on "Add Payee"

3. Enter or choose "Enbridge Gas Company" from the list and then type in your enbridge account number.

4. After that, choose "Add" and done.

Once your banking payee info above have been done, you can now start paying your enbridge gas bills. Simply click on "Pay bills" and then choose payee as "enbridge gas", enter the bill amount owing and click on "Pay payee" or "Done"

answered by John Wakeman (162 points)
I tried with TD Bank account and it only displays 'Enbridge' and 'Enbridge Gas New Burnswick'. My guess is 'Enbridge' is correct for Ontario but not sure about this.
Yes. "Enbridge gas Inc." is the correct one for Ontario that you mentioned. I have been paying my enbridge gas bills using this same "Enbridge Gas Inc." for many years now.
0 votes
Watch video on "Understanding your monthly enbridge gas bill the easy way" :

answered by Enbridge Gas Bill

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